EVENT: 2022 Symposium on African Digital Humanities: African Archives and Digital Recovery

African DH@KU is hosting the 2022 Symposium on African Digital Humanities: African Archives and Digital Recovery on October 6, 2022. Hosted on Zoom, the symposium includes two panels, a keynote by Dr. Roopika Risam (Dartmouth College) and a closing dialogue with Jennifer Hart (Wayne State University) and Kuukuwa Manful (SOAS, University of London).

This year’s symposium focuses on two broad questions that revolve around the recovery of African archives through algorithmic systems and computational methods more broadly.

The presentations will center on the roles of digital technologies in recovering the African archive, with the archive framed beyond its traditional institutional sense to include archival principles and practices that underpin the recuperation of African narratives and agency. From historical records to linguistic and cultural productions, algorithmic infrastructures are emerging as important technologies of recovery that invite us to consider how digital humanities methods and praxes invigorate African studies scholarship. Following Kim Gallon, recovery indexes a means by which African and Black people living in the digital era recapture the past and make it legible to foster community and restore Black people’s humanity. We anticipate that our speakers may speak to this sense of recovery in their own digital projects.


dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Molly Castro, Tierney Gleason, Matt Davis, Kristen Totleben, Cassie Tanks, and Alix Keener (Editors-at-Large), Caitlin Christian-Lamb and Hillary Richardson (Editors for the week), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, Pamella Lach, and Rachel Starry (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).