The Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC), in partnership with Pratt Institute, has issued a CFP for it’s 2023 conference: Critical Making and Social Justice. From the announcement:
HASTAC 2023 welcomes submissions from practitioners at all stages of their careers; from all disciplines, occupations, and fields; and from groups as well as individuals, including independent scholar-practitioners, artists, and activists. Commensurate with the broad theme of “Critical Making and Social Justice,” we seek proposals for a wide range of papers, posters, workshops, roundtables, exhibits, etc. related to such topics as:
- art and activism, and their relationship to scholarship
- interventions in design justice, data justice and data feminism, algorithmic accountability, (digital) literacies, open knowledge, and accessibility in all its forms
- community-based projects and learning, participatory research and design
- praxis, as the enactment of theory, and socially-engaged learning
- critical uses and non-uses of technology, including resistance to technology, creative misuses, subversions, etc.
- creative, educational, and social implications of emerging technologies, including robotics, automation, rapid prototyping, wearables, “smart” devices, and extended reality (AR/VR/MR)
- craft and other forms of making that support justice work
- research and teaching that reflects emerging conversations on racism, capitalism, sexism, gender bias, ableism, nationalism, colonialism, and their many intersections with humanities, arts, design, (social) sciences, and technology
- progressive pedagogy and educational engagements with issues of social justice
- work undertaken by, with, and for the Lenape people and other Indigenous peoples
- sustainability and environmental justice in projects, pedagogy, design, and other areas
- public humanities and the evolution of public discourse and media
All submissions to the conference must be filed at by October 31, 2022. Submissions can be papers, short talks, panels and roundtables, workshops, posters, exhibits/demonstrations, and alternative formats.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Molly Castro, Tierney Gleason, Matt Davis, Kristen Totleben, Cassie Tanks, and Alix Keener (Editors-at-Large), Caitlin Christian-Lamb and Hillary Richardson (Editors for the week), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, Pamella Lach, and Rachel Starry (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).