The European Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Arts has opened submissions for the annual DARIAH-EU event, to be held online and in-person in Athens, Greece, from 31 May – 3 June 2022. This year’s theme centers on “Storytelling.” From the call:

The power of storytelling as a sense-making and knowledge-creation strategy is deeply embedded in human cultures, reaching back as far as our written records, and looking as far forward as our technological imaginations. How we gather, share and use our stories says much about who we are, how we entertain and educate, how we build identities and understand the world beyond our vision, how we relate to our past and to our future.


1. The role of storytelling
What is the function of storytelling in human lives and cultures? How does storytelling contribute to the creation of shared norms and values, constitute identities and influence behaviour? How is our understanding of literature, history, the visual, performing and other creative arts, and other cultural practices influenced by their status as or entanglement with stories?  How do our technological platforms enable, inform, or limit the stories we can and do tell?  How can stories bring disciplines together (or push them apart)? How can the affordances of storytelling be used to address societal challenges?  Is storytelling itself an infrastructure, and how can we enhance its effectiveness through infrastructure building?

2. The actors of storytelling
How is storytelling used as a research method in the arts and humanities, and how are these methods underpinned by the digital?  What is the role of archives, musea and the creative industries in selecting what stories are told? How does storytelling enable digital, cultural and/or civic participation?  How do data scientists become data storytellers?

3. The mechanics and media of storytelling
What media and formats are used for storytelling? What dimensions of a story are changed (innovated, altered, added, erased) in digital storytelling? How is the social function of storytelling enhanced or distorted when storytelling becomes productised? Do (big) data and storytelling go together or are they antagonists? Should we apply ethical and moral principles to storytelling (whose story, told by whom?


We invite researchers, research projects and artists to present (finished or ongoing) work that deals with the topic of storytelling. All accepted papers will be part of thematic sessions, chaired by a member of the Programme Committee.

The DARIAH Annual Event combines different forms of encounter and exchange between DARIAH researchers and the wider research communities.

The call for participation accepts:

  • Papers
  • Panels
  • Posters, Demos and Art installations

For all contributions, a title and an abstract (max. 500 words) are to be submitted via the Submission page.

Submissions close on 11 February 2022. Accepted submissions will be notified by late March and will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Kayla Abner, Lisa Bonifacic, Erin Burns, Tierney Gleason, David Gustavsen, Anne Le-Huu-Pineault, Jennifer Matthews, Robin Miller, Meave M. Sheehan, Rebecca Saunders, Cassie Tanks, Kristen Totleben, Richard Wade, and Johannah White (Editors-at-large for the week), Linsey Ford and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Editors for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb and and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors).