CFP: Global Digital Humanities Symposium

Michigan State University invites proposals for its 7th annual Global Digital Humanities Symposium (#MSUGlobalDH) from March 23-25, 2022. This virtual symposium will be held synchronously via Zoom and YouTube livestream over three days, with four hours each day of programming. The call for proposals is available in English, Spanish, and French. From the call:

DH has been a key site for interrogating narratives about disruption, connection, virtuality, surveillance, algorithmic bias, data and resistance, the digital divide, and digital accountabilities. In this moment, shaped by a global pandemic and climate crisis, these narratives and conversations are as urgent as ever.

Focused on these issues, we invite work at the intersections of critical DH; race and ethnicity; feminism, intersectionality, and gender; and anti-colonial and postcolonial frameworks. Scholarship that works across borders with a focus on transnational partnerships and globally accessible data is especially welcome. Lastly, we define the term “humanities” rather broadly to incorporate the discussion of issues that encourage interdisciplinary understanding of the humanities.

This symposium, which will include a mixture of presentation types, welcomes 250-300-word proposals by the end of the day Wednesday, December 1, midnight in your timezone:

This year we especially anticipate and welcome presentations on the following topics:

  • Digital humanities, the environment, and the climate crisis
  • Issues of healthcare and the digital humanities
  • Global DH during a global pandemic

We are always interested to hear about the following topics:

  • Indigeneity – anywhere in the world – and the digital
  • Surveillance, censorship, and/or data privacy in a global context
  • Productive failure; failure as a part of DH praxis
  • Cultural heritage in a range of contexts, particularly non-Western
  • Open data, open access, and data preservation as resistance
  • How identity categories and their intersections, shape digital humanities work
  • Global digital pedagogies and emerging technologies
  • Equity and inclusion in digital access
  • Digital humanities, postcolonialism, and anti-colonialism
  • Borders, migration, and/or diaspora and their connection to the digital
  • Multilingualism and the digital
  • Global research dialogues and collaborations
  • Scholarly communication and knowledge production in a global context
  • Virtual worlds and digital storytelling

Presentation formats include lightning talks, short presentations, panels, workshops, and a project showcase similar to a poster presentation fair. They also encourage proposal “for non-traditional formats for virtual presentations, performances, readings, or workshops, particularly those that utilize the tools and/or the experimental and collaborative ethos of DH. We invite any and all re-imaginings of what a virtual conference presentation can be.”

Notifications of acceptance will be given by January 15, 2022

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Kayla Abner, Lisa Bonifacic, Molly Casto, Zach Coble, Lawrence Evalyn, Colleen Farry, Tierney Gleason, Rachel Hogan, Jennifer Hootman, Jennifer Matthews, Sydni Meyer, Robin Miller, Isabel Soto-Luna, Mark Szarko, Patrick Williams (Editors-at-large for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb and Pamella Lach (Editors for the week), and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, and Linsey Ford (dh+lib Review Editors).