The ACRL Digital Scholarship Section’s Professional Development Committee, in collaboration with both the Outreach Committee and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, is seeking proposals for the first virtual professional development program in a series on April 15, 2020. From the call for proposals:
The virtual program aims to bring together people from a variety of institution types and at different stages of their career, to discuss what digital scholarship looks like across the profession. We are looking for both individuals and groups who can speak to different models of digital scholarship practice at a variety of institution types. We encourage submissions from all backgrounds and levels of experience, whether you are part of a team at a center or a solo digital scholarship librarian.
Submissions for either panels or lightning talks should explore a model of digital scholarship work and address collaboration (internal and/or external), challenges and opportunities, issues of sustainability, and any best practices you may have.
Interested panelists should consider how their digital scholarship practices align with the Digital Scholarship Section’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. Panelists should be prepared to engage in anti-oppressive behavior during the session, as articulated in the DSS Community Agreement.
Interested participants may propose a panel (60 minutes) or a lightning talk (5-7 minutes). All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. Complete proposals must include a title, full abstract (fewer than 300 words), and information for each speaker, including name, title, institution, brief bio, and email address.
Deadline for submission: March 2
Notification of acceptance: March 20
Registration: Free
Virtual Program: April 15
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Mark Szarko, Sapna Verma, Heather Rogers (Editors-at-large for the week), Pamella Lach (Editor for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Linsey Ford, and Ian Goodale (dh+lib Review Editors).