Recoding Relations, a podcast produced out of the Symposium for Indigenous New Media (#SINM2018), addresses best practices and models to support Indigenous peoples and research in the digital humanities. The creators currently offer four episodes:
Each of these episodes addresses intersections between Indigeneity and DH, in particular decolonial futures, making space “for the lived experiences of Indigenous peoples, as well as Black, people of colour, queer and gender non-binary folks,” and decolonizing DH theory and practice. As we begin to recognize that Digital Humanities is more than methods and tools, but also a community of practice that values diversity, equity, and inclusion, Recoding Relations is an essential “reading” for anyone interested in DH, whether librarian or student.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Kevin Gunn, Manika Lamba, Christine Liebson, and Janani Ravikumar (Editors-At-Large for the week), Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Editor for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Linsey Ford, Ian Goodale, and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors).
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