Digital Humanities at Michigan State University has released a call for proposals for the 4th Global Digital Humanities Symposium (or Global DH), to be held March 21-22, 2019 at Michigan State University. The 2019 symposium invites “work at the intersections of critical DH; race and ethnicity; feminism, intersectionality, and gender; and anti-colonial and postcolonial frameworks to participate.”
Potential topics include:
- Critical cultural studies and analytics
- Cultural heritage in a range of contexts
- DH as socially engaged humanities and/or as a social movement
- Open data, open access, and data preservation as resistance, especially in a postcolonial context
- DH responses to crisis
- How identity categories, and their intersections, shape digital humanities work
- Global research dialogues and collaborations
- Indigeneity – anywhere in the world – and the digital
- Digital humanities, postcolonialism, and neocolonialism
- Global digital pedagogies
- Borders, migration, and/or diaspora and their connection to the digital
- Digital and global languages and literatures
- The state of global digital humanities community
- Digital humanities, the environment, and climate change
- Innovative and emergent technologies across institutions, languages, and economies
- Scholarly communication and knowledge production in a global context
- Surveillance and/or data privacy issues in a global context
- Productive failure
Proposals are due November 15, 2018.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Megan Adams, Kimberly Anderson, Beth Caruso, Lauren Jensen, Laura Johnson, Kristen Mapes, Heather Martin, Melde Rutledge, Paschalia Terzi (Editors-at-large for the week), Caitlin Christian-Lamb (Editor for the week), and Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Sarah Melton, Roxanne Shirazi, and Patrick Williams (dh+lib Review Editors).