OPPORTUNITY: 2017-18 Communications Fellowships at ADHO

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has announced a call for applicants for their 2017-18 Communications Fellowships. Two positions are available, and fellows will:

… write news releases, blog posts, and announcements about ADHO, its constituent organizations, and the broader digital humanities community; monitor and update ADHO’s social media presence; maintain its website; help to develop and implement ADHO’s outreach strategy; and perform other communications-related responsibilities. The fellows should anticipate spending approximately 3-4 hours per week on the position. The fellowship comes with a small annual stipend of 600 Euros. It is well suited for graduate students, young scholars, and academic professionals who wish to develop deeper knowledge of digital humanities and its global communities, contribute to an important digital humanities professional organization, and gain professional experience in social media and communications.

The application deadline is May 31, 2017.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Leigh Bonds, Theresa Burress, Jason Mickel, Jennifer Newman, Susan Powelson, Jordan Sly, Elizabeth Tegeler, and Dan Tracy (Editors-at-large for the week), Roxanne Shirazi (Editor for the week), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Caro Pinto and Patrick Williams (dh+lib Review Editors).