CFP: ‘Lives of Data’ Workshop

From the call for the Lives of Data Workshop, to be held January 6-7, 2017, at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi :

The key questions which the workshop will explore are:

  • What is data? How is it imagined, collected, archived, developed, scraped, parsed, mined, cleaned, used, interpreted, re-produced, circulated and deleted?
  • How do we map the relationships between data, infrastructure and knowledge production?
  • How do we reimagine data and information through longer histories of statistics, bureaucracy, governmentality and development?
  • What are the stakes involved in analysing the ever increasing volume, velocity, variety and value of data? How do practitioners understand the changing nature of their work with data?
  • How do we conceptualise the new data publics?

Workshop themes include:

  • Histories of State and Statistics, Classification, Enumeration and Planning
  • Data Analytics, Data Ontologies, Digital Objects
  • Digital Humanities, Computational Social Sciences, Cultural Analytics
  • Cultures of Software Engineering and Design
  • Data, Memory and Materiality: Archives, Paper/Digital Databases, Warehouses, Data Centres, Server Farms
  • Thinking through Digital Infrastructures: Hardware, Code, Meta-Data, Formats, Protocols, Programming Languages, Information Architectures, Algorithms, Apps, Interfaces, Platforms, APIs, etc.
  • Data-Driven Urbanism: Geographies of Mobile Computing, Locative Apps and Social Media, GIS, and Smart Cities
  • Openness, Transparency and Access to Data/Information/Knowledge. #RTI #OpenData #DNAProfiling #Copyright #Encryption #Privacy
  • Platforms as Government: Transnational Networks of Intermediaries and the Flows of Data/Capital ‘SysAdmin’ like the State: Bio-Politics, Surveillance, User/Citizen, Governance, Policing and Law. #Aadhaar #ITact #CyberSecurity
  • Beautiful Data’: Design, Aesthetics, Vision and Visualisation

Proposals are due September 15th. The Sarai Programme, hosts of the workshop, advertise some funding to cover accommodations or travel costs for accepted participants.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Jennie M Burroughs, Taylor Davis-Van Atta, Rebecca Dowson, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, David Greene, Allison Ringness, Bobby Smiley, and Sveta Stoytcheva (Editors-at-large for the week), Patrick Williams (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Caro Pinto, and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).