The Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Kansas has released a CFP for its Digital Humanities Forum 2016, on the theme of Places, Spaces, Sites: Mapping Critical Intersections in Digital Humanities. The 2016 forum will take place Saturday, October 1.
From the CFP:
Notions of place, space, and site are theorized and put into practice in distinct ways across various academic fields. Spatial technologies and location services and tools, along with the rise of geohumanities work, are bringing the tensions among ideas of place, space, and site to the surface. Moreover, a turn towards internationalization and the global has been taking place in Digital Humanities scholarship and practice, further complicating our notions of space and place. Digital Humanities has the capacity to bring these tensions together in both conflicting and harmonious ways. The 2016 DH Forum seeks to explore the intersections, mutual critiques and/or coincidences among fields, and their practices and conceptual tenets.
Place in Digital Humanities has largely been explored in terms of its relevance or pertinence in departments, on campuses, in classrooms, in libraries, etc. In a global perspective, places can be viewed as sites of distinct academic practice (DH and otherwise), influenced by geopolitical, linguistic and social asymmetries, colonial histories, and neocolonial exploitation. The web, virtual spaces of collaboration, and online communities are reinventing and complicating our understanding of space and our place in the world. Furthermore, various notions surrounding the ideas of place, space, and site are at the center of the geo-spatial turn seen in many areas of Digital Humanities.
Suggested topics for proposals include:
- Locative and spatial narratives
- Location aware technologies
- Migration and refugee digital studies
- Border digital studies
- Local/global uses of digital media
- DH infrastructure and practice in global/local contexts
- Commemorative sites, collective memory and the digital humanities
- Online communities
- Placemaking
- Community building
- Digital archaeology
- Methodologies for analysing unstructured data in a spatial context
- Virtual worlds
- Recreations of historical and fictional places/spaces
- Indigenous, queer, and/or feminist mapping strategies or projects
- GIS and historical GIS applications in the humanities
Proposals are due June 10th, 2016. A day-long program of DH workshop will precede the forum on September 30.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Nickoal Eichmann, A. Miller, Chelcie Rowell, and Allison Ringness (Editors-at-large for the week), Patrick Williams (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Caitlin Christian-Lamb, Caro Pinto and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).