POST: Mellon Funding for the Open Library of the Humanities

Adeline Koh (Stockton College) announced on ProfHacker that the Open Library of the Humanities, under the direction of Martin Paul Eve (University of Lincoln) and Caroline Edwards (University of London), has received “a substantial Mellon Foundation grant to build its technological platform, business model, journal and monograph pilot scheme.” In an interview with Koh on ProfHacker this week, Eve explains the origins of the project:

[A]t the end of 2013, amid a swirl of Twitter conversations that the idea for the Open Library of Humanities was born; a high-volume gold open access publisher with strict quality controls run on a not-for-profit, but for-sustainability, basis. At first, it was to be a project like PLOS – that is, based on Article Processing Charges at an affordable rate. However, gold does not have to mean APCs and we soon realised that there might be a route to achieving gold open access without publication fees…



dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Julie Adamo, Lindsey Halsell, Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Heather Martin, Heather Tompkins, and Jennifer Weintraub (Editors-at-large for the week), Caro Pinto (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor). and Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).