Fiona Barnett (HASTAC) has created a Storify from the recent “Critical Approaches to Digital Humanities” (#cadh) symposium at Virginia Commonwealth University. Featuring a keynote address by Tara McPherson (USC), the event aimed to provide “an opportunity for scholars and students to focus specifically on DH’s impact, both positive and negative, on the humanities.”
The Storify also includes discussion from the event’s panelists, which included:
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Jefferson Bailey, Jolie Braun, Heather Martin, Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, and Krista White (Editors-at-large for the week), Roxanne Shirazi (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Zach Coble and Caro Pinto (dh+lib Review Editors).