In the current issue of The Code4Lib Journal, M. Cristina Pattuelli, Matt Miller, Leanora Lange, Sean Fitzell, and Carolyn Li-Madeo discuss using linked open data for the Linked Jazz project. The abstract reads:
This paper describes tools and methods developed as part of Linked Jazz, a project that uses Linked Open Data (LOD) to reveal personal and professional relationships among jazz musicians based on interviews from jazz archives. The overarching aim of Linked Jazz is to explore the possibilities offered by LOD to enhance the visibility of cultural heritage materials and enrich the semantics that describe them. While the full Linked Jazz dataset is still under development, this paper presents two applications that have laid the foundation for the creation of this dataset: the Mapping and Curator Tool, and the Transcript Analyzer. These applications have served primarily for data preparation, analysis, and curation and are representative of the types of tools and methods needed to craft linked data from digital content available on the web. This paper discusses these two domain-agnostic tools developed to create LOD from digital textual documents and offers insight into the process behind the creation of LOD in general.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Meghan Ecclestone, Elizabeth Jardine, Trevor Muñoz (Editors-at-large for the week), Zach Coble (Editor for the week), Roxanne Shirazi and and Caro Pinto (dh+lib Review Editors).