The Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Kansas has issued a CFP for their 2013 Digital Humanities Forum: Return to the Material.
From the CFP:
We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers, posters or panel sessions on topics from your own research that focus on the relationship between the digital and the material, such as:
- How the digital deforms, reforms, and transforms the material, and vice-versa;
- Innovative computational approaches to the close reading of text, map, image or audio;
- The implications for humanities scholarship and pedagogy of digital-to-physical conversion tools, wearable computers, and augmented reality technologies (e.g. 3-D printing, electronic textiles, Google Glass)
- The future of physical objects and collections in a digital world;
- The materiality of music, art, or film in the digital age;
- Digital humanities as a key mode of addressing technological change;
- The recognition of craft in building, creating and accessing electronic materials;
- How the apparent wild experimentation of DH reveals substantial and tangible insights;
- and other related topics.
Proposals, in the form of 500-word abstracts, are due June 1, 2013.
This post was produced through a cooperation between Caro Pinto, Gergana Kostova, and Anna Kijas (Editors-at-Large for the week), Sarah Potvin (Editor for the week), and Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi (site editors).