Lib Pub, a new group blog on library publishing, launched in January 2013. As blog founder Melanie Schlosser, the Digital Publishing Librarian at Ohio State University Libraries, writes in an introductory post:
“Publishing efforts in libraries are becoming more and more common, but there aren’t yet a lot of venues for those involved to come together and share their thoughts and experiences. The Lib Pub is meant to be one.”
This week, Schlosser issued a call for those whose work involves both DH and library publishing to contact her. She writes:
“I’m curious about how many of you have both publishing and DH in your job description, or have a humanities focus in your publishing program, or work with a DH center in some way.”
dh+lib aggregated content
This post was produced through a collaboration involving Jessica Brangiel and Chris Chelberg (Editors-at-Large for the week) and Sarah Potvin (Editor for the week), with editorial assistance from Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi. For further details on the dh+lib aggregation process, including a link to volunteer to serve as Editor-at-Large, see: