RESOURCE: MLA Commons, The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory

A new public group, EMDC: The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory, has launched on MLA Commons. Billed as “a venue for digital humanists studying early modern texts and culture (roughly 1450-1700), principally in the English language,” the EMDC “fulfills an idea that circulated at MLA 2013: what if early modernists using digital humanities tools and methods had a venue for our research collaborations?”

Other MLA public groups of potential interest to dh+lib readers include:

+Libraries and Research in Languages and Literatures
+Digital Humanities

dh+lib aggregated content

This post was produced through a collaboration involving Jessica Brangiel and Chris Chelberg (Editors-at-Large for the week) and Sarah Potvin (Editor for the week), with editorial assistance from Zach Coble and Roxanne Shirazi. For further details on the dh+lib aggregation process, including a link to volunteer to serve as Editor-at-Large, see: